The Misfits
Produksjonsår: 1961
Filmsjanger: Drama
Regissør: John Huston
Skuespillere: Philip Mitchell, Clark Gable, Dennis Shaw, Eli Wallach, Estelle Winwood, J. Lewis Smith, James Barton, Kevin McCarthy, Marieta Tree, Marilyn Monroe, Montgomery Clift, Ralph Roberts, Thelma Ritter
Spillt inn i: USA/California, Nevada, Los Angeles, Dayton, Reno, Stagecoach, Mapes Casino – 10 N. Virginia Street, Quail Canyon, Misfits Flat
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The Misfits
John Huston
USA, California, Nevada
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The Misfits – 1961 – USA – Filmomtale var sist oppdatert: mars 17th, 2016 av System-