Film, Tv, Spill Omtaler

Children of the Corn: The Gathering – 1996 – USA – Filmomtale

Children of the Corn: The Gathering

Produksjonsår: 1996

Filmsjanger: Skrekk

Regissør: Greg Spence

Skuespillere: Brandon Kleyla, Brent Jennings, Harrison Young, Jamie Renee Smith, Karen Black, Mark Salling, Naomi Watts, Richard Gross, William Windom

Spillt inn i: USA/California, Texas, Los Angeles, Austin,

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Children of the Corn: The Gathering



Greg Spence




USA, California, Texas

Mangler stemme!

Mangler stemme!

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Children of the Corn: The Gathering – 1996 – USA – Filmomtale var sist oppdatert: mars 17th, 2016 av System-Filmmaster