The Hunting of the President – 2004 – USA – Filmomtale Mangler stemme!

The Hunting of the President

Produksjonsår: 2004

Filmsjanger: Dokumentar

Regissør: Bill Clinton

Skuespillere: Bill Clinton, Andrew «Buzz» Cooper, Betsy Wright, Claudia Riley, Dan Moldea, David Brock, Gene Lyons, HoKrigd Kurtz, James Carville, Jerry Falwell, Joe Conason, John Camp, Larry Case, Morgan Freeman, Paul Begal, Paul Begala, Sidney Blumenthal, Susan McDougal

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The Hunting of the President



Bill Clinton





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The Hunting of the President – 2004 – USA – Filmomtale var sist oppdatert: mars 17th, 2016 av System-Filmmaster