The Major and the Minor
Produksjonsår: 1942
Filmsjanger: Komedie, Romanse
Regissør: Billy Wilder
Skuespillere: Charles Smith, Tom McGuire, William Newell, Aldrich Bowker, Alice Keating, Archie Twitchell, Bill Clauson, Billy Cook, Billy Dawson, Billy Ray, Marie Blake, Boyd Irwin, Byron Shores, Carlotta Jelm, David McKim, Dell Henderson, Diana Lynn, Dick Chandlee, Dick Jones, Donald Wilmot, EdKrigd Fielding, EdKrigd Peil Sr., Emory Parnell, Ethel Clayton, Frankie Thomas, Freddie Mercer, George Anderson, Ginger Rogers, Gloria Williams, Gretl Dupont, Guy Wilkerson, John Bogden, Ken Lundy, Larry Nunn, Lela E. Rogers, Mary Field, Milt Kibbee, Norma Varden, Ray Milland, Raymond Roe, Richard Fiske, Rita Johnson, Robert Benchley, Stanley Andrews, Tom Dugan, Will Wright
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The Major and the Minor
Billy Wilder
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